Thursday, November 20, 2008

You Guys Makes It Worth While

what the hell?

ramai orang tak pegi tengok Twilight? why? if you guys are backing out, then so am i. cuz i dnt even want to watch this movie in the first place! so if none of this people are going then i wouldn't either.


korang tak pegi then I. DONT. WANNA. GO. but apparently its no big deal if i go or not so what ever. i'll just go watch Quantom of Solace.

ugh, Daniel Craig. whoop de bloody doo -.-



ps/ they're rite u noe, 2c. korang dtg la. izr'll book the whole theater. kan kan? just go la. i'm going. me, the girl who cant see Rob Pattz without thinking that he sucks, made of whip-cream and a womanizer is going. so....go lah... dont la be so selfish and not go cuz u tak suka the actress or actors. kalau tak nak tengok twilight we'll just watch smthg else. like Madagascar 2, maybe?? gloria the hippo awaits us :) :) :) how bout it? we'll change what movie we wanna watch.

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