Saturday, November 22, 2008

It's a 2C party and only 2C

You guys,i get 2 GO!!!
Oh,nothing can bring me out of this blissful happiness
Except maybe my mom changing her mind
But oh God,please don't make her change her mind!!
Sorry,got off topic
Well,since we all know that this is a 2C outing,NO boys allowed!!
No brothers,no boyfriends,no cousins,no guy friends,etc
But if u have 2 babysit your 5 year old brother,takpe laa
But then again,how could u babysit when your watching a movie??
Anyway,this is a very important rule in this outing
If u bumped in2 that guy,well,we can't do anything about that
But please don't let us linger around u with the guy for so long
Just tell him your watching a movie with your friends and excuse yourself
2C party,remember??
No outsiders!!
But i'm not sure what will happen if we bumped in2 a schoolmate of ours
But keep this in your mind:NO BOYS ALLOWED

can't wait 2 meet u guys again,
Nadiah (:

PS:Its not just me who doesn't want guys at our outing.Izarra, Helinna, Azalea and my mom wouldn't want guys at the outing.So,yeah.Please stick 2 the rule

PPS:My sister will be with us (: Scratch that,she won't be with us.But she'll be around

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